Ovina Pattari's Blog

the world just too amazing, all we need is being the witness

Sunday, July 2, 2017

TANGKUBAN PERAHU the Zone of Tukang Palak?

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I will give the honest review from my bottom of my heart, it was just what i felt. 
So, I was really excited to visit Bandung that day, it was my short escape to refresh my mind and my heart to get some relaxed. My main destination in Bandung was to visit Tangkuban Perahu, just because I never visit there in my entire life! How come the one who often visit Bandung but never go to there! Haha Tangkuban Perahu has is own legend. You can read on ....... 

Everytime I visited Bandung with my family, my daddy always said that the car was not too good to visit Tangkuban Perahu, the car clutch was not good to climb the uphill road.
So, we took Subang exit from the toll road, just follow the map. 
About next 40 minutes we arrived at Tangkuban Perahu. 

At the enterance gate, the officer asked us "is there any foreigner?" We answered no one. We paid IDR 30.000/person and IDR 35.000 for the car entrance fee. The price is for weekend and for Indonesians. Foreigner must pay IDR 300.000 for weekend. (It just one zero differences huh :'). We got the map of the site. 

There are 4 main craters to visit : 
1. Kawah Ratu (Ratu Crater), the closest craters from the main gate and there's a parking lot near the site.
2. Kawah Upas (Upas Crater), about 1,5 km (about 45 minutes walk) from Kawah Ratu.
3. Kawah Baru (New Crater), located at the upper side of Kawah Upas. Visitors cannot get too close to Kawah Baru because It has a poisonous gas that can give bad effect for human health. 
4. Kawah Domas, located about 1,2 km from Kawah Ratu (about 30-40 minutes by walk) or you just need to park your car at the Kawah Domas enterance gate and walk about 15 minutes. Kawah Domas has natural hot springs (contain sulfur) with some different temperature. The hot springs is good for your skin and it can help to cure any skin disease. 

You can boil eggs in the hot spring!
We decided to visit Kawah Ratu first, because it is parking-lot's-friend aka near from parking lot haha. :p 

When we got out from the car, a man came over us to offer big boxes full of rapsberries and strawberies that He sell. He offer IDR 25.000/box at the first, we said we dont want then we bargain with IDR 20.000 for two boxes, he said no. We started to leave him, suddenly he give IDR 25.000 for two boxes then add the magic word "please help me, for 'penglaris'". 

'Penglaris' is the word that Indonesian seller often say to buyer to wish good luck at the begining with your purchase. With your purchase, the fortune will come to them and all of the products that they sell will be sold out or buyer will come to buy their products. 

Well, I bought it, because I wanted to eat rapsberries! Haha :p so we dealed with IDR 25.000 for two boxes. Then He told us that he dont have the exchange, only have IDR 20.000, we said well it's okay, just give us that IDR 20.000. Just like that, we bought two boxes of rapsberry for IDR 30.000. :D >>>> the raspberries tragedy will be told at the end of this post :')

We walk about 20 metres, and tada! This is the view of Kawah Ratu, Tangkuban Perahu :D 
Honestly, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the view was "oh, only like this?"
Maybe because I am a sea lover not mountain lover? :') haha I dont know. 

But honestly (again) the view of Kawah Ratu is SUPERB! 
how come there's carter like that! So unique and so beautiful. 
We took a few shots for that view. 

When we turned around, other seller (the rapsberry man's friend) such as a keyring-made-from-Tangkuban-Perahu-stone and other seller came over. For me, those were only ordinary key ring that you can find it at Pasar Pagi Asemka Jakarta. 

What I hate when entered the enterance gate is WE NEED TO PAY MORE TO VISIT KAWAH DOMAS! 

It's also a little bit too expensive for Local visitor! Indonesian tourist must pay IDR 100.000/person and IDR 200.000/person for foreigner. Wah, at that time I thought that Tangkuban Perahu is full of 'Tukang Palak'. 'Tukang Palak' means persons who extorts your money directly or indirrectly. What a shame :( 

For me, as an Indonesian, it's too tricky for tourist :( why we must pay more to visit other venue that it is also in one area of Tangkuban Perahu? WHY IS MORE EXPENSIVE! What will foreigners say to Indonesia, especially for Tangkuban Perahu? #disappointed :(
Rather I will be regret to not visit Kawah Domas while I was visiting Tangkuban Perahu (I dont think to come to Visit Tangkuban Perahu again) so we agree to pay the price.

At that price we will get a tour guide to guide us to the hot spring. We will cross the forest, so it's kinda tricky for the one who never go through the forest, you can get lost! 

The bad was, we need to give the guide some tip :') the entrance fee is not include the guide fee and the egg :'(
After walked about 15 minutes with slipper, we finally arrived at Kawah Domas. 
The view was ....... So so :') 

The hot springs not big as I thought before and just so so. 
The eggs seller was close, maybe because that day was the first day of fasting for Moslem.

Our plan to boil the egg in the boiled hot spring water must be canceled :((((((
After took some photos, we soaked our feet and enjoy the heat of the sulfur liquid. In short time, a woman came to us to offer sulfur mud massage that she claim good for my skin. I, the one who got sick from any 'Tukang Palak' just decline the offer directly with a good manner, we said "sorry, we dont want" 

She still promoting the benefits of sulfur mud massage and said the magic word "please help me" and 'penglaris' things, I just ignored her. Didn't mean to be so cruel, I just didn't want to deal with 'Tukang Palak' who will extorts my money.

Maybe She was hopeless with us, She then recklessly put the sulfur mud on my knee while say the magic word "please help me" and other 'penglaris' things again. When she put the sulfur mud, I prayed to God to protect me from any spell to make me agree to get her massage service. Thanks to God, I didn't influenced by her and then she left us. :') 

After get enough from soaking feet in the hot spring, we went back to the entrance gate. On the way to the entrance gate, the guide answered all my questions, explained how to different any kind of Pakis plant, how to survive if you lost in forest and more. 

He also recommend us to visit 10000 Buddha Statues Temple which located not too far from Tangkuban Perahu after I asked what is Bandung's anti-mainstream place which worth to be visited.

At the end of the trip with guide, we gave him tip sincerely :D

>>>next post : Journey to 10000 Buddha Statues Temple.

ANTI-MAINSTREAM Bandung Trip 2017

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source : ngulon.com

Suddenly I got mood to write a post about my short escape to Bandung, which located about 3 hours from Jakarta (If there's no traffic jam) :p

I just felt stress those day and made me want to escape from this hecticness and pressure from my daily routine. At the first I wanted to visit Belitung, but due the 'self-saving-money-project', I decided to visit Bandung.

Bandung is close enough for short escape and has beautiful landscape, fresh air, natural beauty etc, makes me often to visit Bandung for short escape. So, on 26 May 2017 I went to Bandung by car. The itinerary was to not strict to the schedule, let it flow, visit the antimainstream and never visit before attractions. The main thing was enjoy the trip.

Since I decided to divide my story into several part, so here is this ...

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ternyata Margarine dan Butter itu Berbeda!

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image source : AsapSCIENCE

Hari ini, Minggu 12 Maret 2017, satu hari setelah peristiwa SUPERSEMAR #gaadahubungannyasebenernya #haha gua mendapatkan mood buat buat eggtart sebagai perjanjian dengan Rogers :D

Resepnya udah gua cari sejak jaman bahala kala, tapi mood gua baru muncul sekarang, berhubung Rogers lagi mampir ke rumah, kami langsung pergi ke supermarket deket rumah buat belanja bahan-bahan. Berikut resep yang gua dapet dari youtube (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=El0QqbL4CW4) :

*Butter dough:
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 3/4 stick (which also equals 3/4 cup + 2 Tbsp) cold, unsalted butter
*Water dough:
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 2 egg yolks (save the egg whites for the filling!)
- 1/4 cup cold water
*Simple syrup:
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup water
*Egg custard:
- 3 large eggs + reserved egg whites from earlier
- 1 cup milk -
 1 tsp vanilla extract
*Puff pastry method: 3x4x4
*Oven temperature: 400°F for approx. 25-30 min (time will vary--cook until crust is light golden brown!)
*This recipe yields approx. 12-14 tarts
*Store the egg tarts in the refrigerator & best to eat while HOT! re-heat at 400°F for 5-7 minutes!
*Tart mold and cookie cutter is 3" diameter
*Individual tart molds were purchased at Bed Bath & Beyond for 0.79 each!

Nah, karena sepengetahuan gua butter di Indonesia itu mahal dan gua berpikir bahwa margarine dan butter itu sama aja, akhirnya gua memutuskan untuk pake margarine saja.

Pulang ke rumah, gua ikutin resepnya. Saat buat Butter Dough, gua masukin margarin dengan takaran 3/4 cup + 2 tbs ke dalam tepung terigu. Hasilnya lembek banget, gua pikir mungkin begitu hasilnya. Sesuai petunjuk berikutnya, gua masukin adonan tersebut ke kulkas selama 15 menit.

Berikutnya, gua buat Water Doughnya dan hasilnya sukses menurut gua. Gua pun ambil Butter Dough dari kulkas dan menggabungkan dengan Water Dough.

Butter Doughnya itu sebenernya lembek banget tapi gua tetep gabungin dengan "Water Dough"nya, karena gua positive thinking kalo hasilnya bakal oke.

Tapi ternyata adonan margarinnya menghancurkan Water Dough dan gua pun nambahin tepung terigu agar ga lengket.

Setelah setelah mengikuti semua proses dan gua panggang,

Hasilnya ...
Filling eggtart sih bisa dibilang perfect menurut gua,
tapi, puffnya bantet, ga ngembang seperti yang gua bayangkan 😭😭😭
Keciwi eke keciwi

Gua udah mengikuti semua prosedur dengan baik dan benar, gua pun berpikir, apa yang salah. Setelah berpikir,

Butter itu ga pake garem, sedangkan margarin itu pake garem dan lebih berminyak 😭😭😭😭

Untuk pastry, hasilnya bisa beda jauh.
Gua yang selama ini lebih sering masak makanan hot kitchen dari pada pastry (seinget gua eggtart ini adalah pastry pertama gua) yang masakannya bisa pake margarine buat gantiin butter. Untuk hukum pastry seperti ya tidak bisa dan itu mutlak.

Kalopun mau pake margarine, komposisinya pasti beda 😢

Baking ...

Sepulangnya adik gua, gua menceritakan kalo eggtart gua gagal karena gua pake margarin bukan butter. Adik gua pun bilang :
Ovita : "Kenapa lu ga beli blu*b*nd yang butter?"
Ovina : "Emang ada?"
Ovita : "Ada tau di ind*m*ret"


Ternyata adik gua kalo buat kue atau pastry lainya, diapake blu*b*nd cake and cookies (yang tadi gua bilang blu*b*and butter). Fyi, ade gua lebih sering buat kue/pastry unyu-unyu gitu dibandingin gua yang lebih sering masak masakan dapur. #curhay #membeladiri

Jadi kesimpulnya, jangan sok ide alias sok tau main ganti-ganti bahan seenaknya.
You must invest more to get best result as you wanted. #lessonlearned


Sekian dan terimakasih 😂🙏🏻

Friday, March 10, 2017


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Image result for award nomination
image source : http://www.investmentnews.com

I just got back from my previous blog http://exuberanto.blogspot.com, and read this old post. 
It was my post about the happiness that I felt when I was one of the nomination for best essay task and i found myself in tears! 

I just remembered how sad it was to found out that I had not read well and I got yelled by one of my classmates for my inaccurate to read Chinese characters (Hanzi) but it also the happiest moment to find out who were support me in bad times (thanks to my friends!). 

Now that was the sweet memory in my university life when I found I've graduated from Chinese Language and Culture major and I got my Bachelor Degree :D 

So here's my old post! Enjoy B-)


actually I already attended the Chinese Writing Class since my second year and for my third year I got the nominations for the best essay in my class!! FINALLY MUAHAHA :D *evil laugh*
There are 5 persons who got the chance to read the essay in front of the class as the best essay : Deborah (吴梦琳), Efah (郭玫姿), Me (张丽苹), Verawati (陈素妮), Sisca (黄柔嘉)

I was the third :p   so, here's the essay that I made :D

科学家说狗继承狼的猎取能力,但是狗比狼比较沟通像人们一样。狗会被受训,跟我们一起玩儿、住在一起,也会跟人们和别的狗沟通。有许多电影、故事、书可以证明狗的忠实和忠心,比如《Hachiko (日本)、《Hearty Paws(韩国) 10 Promises to My Dog》(日本)等等。
狗能听到低频的声音从16赫兹至70 KHz(人们只能听到20赫兹至20 Khz的频率),但是狗没有猫听力好。狗确定声源的能力比人类更快,并且可以听到四倍更远的声音。狗的嗅觉能力比人类更好。狗有220亿个对气味敏感的嗅觉细胞,而人们只有5亿个嗅觉细胞。
现世界上大概有85多个犬种,分成4组:第一组是非洲和亚洲的狗,比如: 阿富汗猎犬、秋田犬、阿拉斯加雪橇犬、西施犬、西伯利亚雪橇犬等等;第二组是獒的犬形,比如:伯恩山犬、斗牛犬、罗威犬等等;第三组是牧羊犬,比如:德国牧羊犬、圣伯纳犬、威尔士柯基犬等等;第四组是现代狩猎的犬型,比如:博美犬、金毛寻回犬、腊肠犬等等。
狗仗人势,如果我们用心地驯养它们,它们就会成为友好的狗。可是如果我们驯养的方式不当或者不正确,那么它们就会成 为不友好的獒犬。狗是真正友谊的标志,是真正忠实的朋友,连人们也不会有那么像狗一样忠实的爱。

The Comments :

1. The Lecture's Comment (the red ink) :  
"The essay is using the Compare Description,Category Description, Numeral Description Methods.The essay was written in detail about dog's characteristic, features, the breeds, etc. Very great! I hope the essay for the next time could have more words."

2. From me (the grey ink):
"The lecture told me that my essay was great, using three methods for the description essay. I asked to read the essay in front of my classmates, but I read it so badly :(

3. From Efah and Sisca (the grey ink):
"Semangat Obi!"
”Obi Fighting!/Cheer Up Obi!" 

After I finish read the essay in front of the class, I heard Vonny was Cheer Up Me too! She said : "张丽苹加油!" (Fighting!)

wuaaaahhh, I will cheer up and practice more! 
thank you for your encourage!
God Bless You all :D

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ketika Otot Dipakai daripada Otak

Image source : www.fanpop.com

Ketika otot yang dipakai dari pada otak, hari ini Rabu, 8 Maret 2017, para supir angkot Tangerang dengan anarkis 'menertibkan' para ojek online, tidak peduli warna atribut yang mereka pakai.

Saya hari ini menjadi korban keganasan mereka. Saya memesan uber motor dari Modernland untuk pulang ke rumah. Driver uber saya datang memakai jaket yang dibalik dan helm lain, sedangkan saya tetap memakai helm uber.

Sampai di depan Tangcity jalanan macet. Rupa-rupanya ada sweeping ala-ala supir angkot. Kami memilih untuk tetap berjalan melewati mereka karena memang tidak ada jalan kembali.

Dari kejauhan, saya melihat mereka menunjuk-nunjuk sambil berjalan setengah berlari menuju motor kami motor kami seakan-akan adalah seorang pendosa yang harus dihukum mati.

Seorang dari mereka menghampiri dan menyuruh kami berhenti. Saya pun menyuruh driver uber saya untuk tetap berjalan. Driver saya sambil berkata maaf maaf permisi namun tak digubris olehnya. Kami memilih untuk tidak melawan.

Mereka tiba-tiba berlari mengejar kami dari samping, driver uber pun memacu motornya sekencang-kencangnya. Tak disangka, seorang di antara mereka menyabet kami dengan jaket jeans dan mengenai lutut kanan saya serta tangan driver saya.

Sontak emosi saya naik dan saya berteriak an*i** dan b****** kepada orang yang memukul saya. Secara ajaib mereka berhenti mengejar kami dan saya mendapati bahwa motor kami berlari dengan kencang.

Beruntung kami berdua tidak jatuh. Saya tidak bisa membayangkan bagaimana jadinya kalo kami berdua jatuh. Apakah kami berdua akan dipukuli sampai terkapar tak berdaya di jalan? Apakah mereka akan bertanggung jawab jika semua hal tersebut terjadi?

Tentu saja tidak, mereka tidak akan mungkin bertanggung jawab.

Tapi, semua karena kuasa Tuhan yang melindungi kami sehingga kami selamat dari insiden tersebut.

Kami akhirnya kembali ke pangkalan ojek online di Modernland dan saya memesan uber mobil. Bersama-sama dengan driver uber lain mereka memastikan saya naik ke dalam mobil yang aman.

Apa dengan cara 'sweeping', berdemo dan bertindak anarkis seperti ini akan menarik simpati masyarakat untuk kembali menggunakan angkot?

Saya pribadi sih akan berpikir beberapa kali untuk naik angkot lagi.

Moral of the story : Ibarat berladang di tanah tandus yang kurang atau bahkan tidak bisa menghasilkan, maka pindahlah ke tanah lain yang lebih bisa menghasilkan.

Jangan pakai otot tapi pake otak biar bisa berjuang buat hidup.

Terimakasih Tuhan atas penyertaan-Mu. Amin🙏

*saya langsung tidak enak hati dan meminta maaf kepada driver uber saya setelah saya meneriakan kata-kata tersebut. Untung beliau memaklumi. #kepancingemosi #orangsayagasalahtapidigebukin #kesel #haha