Monday, November 19, 2018
new mates!
Antara percaya dan tidak percaya waktu denger kabar kalo WINNER - grup korea favorit gua - akan mengadakan konser di luar Korea dan Jepang!!! OMAIGAD
FINALLY! penantian gua selama 4 tahun untuk nonton mereka konser akhirnya bisa terwujud! apalagi Jakarta salah satu kota yang bakal Abang WINNER samperin OMAIGAAADDD!!!
begitu lokasi dan harga tiket dirilis gua langsung browsing-browsing. Sejujurnya pas pertama kali tau WINNER EVERYWHERE TOUR bakal diadain di Tennis Indoor Senayan gua agak sedih sih, kenapa ga di ICE BSD aja gitu? Tapi gua berpikir kalo Inner Circle di Indonesia ga sebanyak dibandingkan dengan fandom-fandom grup lain, jadi kalo tempat konsernya ga sebesar di ICE gapapalah, yang penting gua bisa nonton WINNER.
Gua langsung browsing-browsing tentang Tennis Indoor Senayan, keliatannya sih oke ya buat konser, emang tempatnya ga begitu gede, tapi kalo mau duduk di paling jauh sekali pun bakal tetep keliatan, karena tempatnya beneran kayak stadium gitu (kayak kursi bioskop) dan ada kursi permanennya (yang bisa dilipat) jadi bakal nyaman banget, apalagi uda ada numbered seatingnya.
Setelah beresemedi 30 abad (apa sih haha) akhirnya gua memutuskan untuk ambil tiket di section Purple karena hasil survey gua ke Tennis Indoor Senayan waktu Asian Games, mau diujung sekalipun bakal tetep keliatan.
19 Agustus 2018
Dengan kepedean yang luar biasa tinggi dan yakin pasti dapet tiket (kayak konser BIGBANG waktu itu), ga ikut jastip, ga beli offline di kantornya Indotix STC, gua standby di depan komputer sampe pakai 3 devices namun kenyataan berkata lain ....
gua ga dapet tiketnya. Semua tiket sold out.
gua ga bisa deskripsiin gimana perasaan gua yang pengen banget nonton konser Winner dari dulu tapi ga bisa nonton karena ga dapet tiket. Rasanya itu sedih bercampur kecewa. Gua berusaha untuk menghibur diri dengan mengingat perkataan adik gua yang waktu itu beli tiket WannaOne di Calo pas hari H. Ya, gua bakal beli di calo aja.
karena tiket belom di tangan itulah, gua ragu harus beli official lightsticknya Winner atau ga, ragu harus buat kaos apa engga, ragu harus dengerin track list lagu konser Winner karena gua takut untuk berekspetasi tinggi, karena kalo ga dapet gua bakal lebih kecewa lagi.
gua pun menjalani hari seperti biasa sambil menunggu 17 November 2018.
Beberapa Hari sebelum 17 November 2018
semakin mendekati hari H WINNER konser di Jakarta, semakin gua galau. Gua pun semakin rajin browsing tips-tips membeli tiket dari calo anti tipu. Sempet tergoda untuk beli tiket di twitter tapi takut ditipu. Sayang juga bok duitnya kalo kena tipu. Ada diskusi di internet yang berkata "jika Anda tidak mendapatkan tiket konser, tenang aja masih ada CALO. Jangan kepancing untuk beli di Twitter karena resiko kena tipu sangat besar". Gua menunggu hari H untuk beli tiket di calo.
16 November 2018
Gua semakin giat cari-cari tiket berikut dengan semua informasi tentang konser WINNER di Jakarta, fans project dll. Padahal gua belom tentu bisa nonton konser WINNER. Gua pun bertekad buat pergi besok hari ke Tennis Indoor Senayan tanpa tiket dan siap beli tiket di calo. Gua cuma bisa doa, semoga dikasih yang terbaik sama Tuhan.
Pas di kereta commuterline, ada bisikan di dalam hati yang minta gua buat cek twitter MecimaPro dan gua liat tweet ini :
INNER CIRCLE! We’re very excited to start this countdown to WINNER’s first visit to Jakarta for #EVERYWHERETourinJKT. A magnificent start of the countdown with the super-talented MINO. See you this Saturday! Tickets available at @indotix. (Photo credits: YG Entertainment)
dengan cepat gua langsung buka websitenya indotix dan ...
walaupun purple uda ga ada tapi masih ada tiket GREEN. Gua pilih section GREEN B, isi data dan langsung pembayaran via kartu kredit ...
mungkin kalo gua bukan lagi di kereta gua uda teriak kegirangan kali hahha.
sebenernya gua rada ragu sama nomor tiket yang gua dapet, yakni tiket di F3 dan itu gambling, karena ada 7 baris di section gua, F itu kalo ga di depan ya di belakang. 3 itu kalo ga deket panggung atau menjauhi panggung (jadi deket sama section pink) gua cuma bisa berharap dan berdoa yang terbaik dan dapat teman sebangku yang baik (karena gua nonton konser sendirian :')
17 November 2018 --- D-DAY!!!
gua sampe di Tennis Indoor Senayan kurang lebih jam 14.00, langsung menuju loket penukaran tiket untuk ditukarkan ke tiket asli. Setelah tukar tiket, gua berkeliling untuk cari 'souvenir' yang lucu-lucu dari orang-orang yang buka lapak di venue haha.
tiket konser WINNER <3
Tapi sedihnya, ga ada orang yang jual kipas yang ada gambar WINNER chibi-chibi gitu :'( semuanya cuma foto member-member yang dijadiin kipas atau benda-benda yang lain kayak tas, postcard dll.
yang bikin gua terharu ada banyak banget orang yang bagi-bagi freebies mulai dari foto, stiker sampe kipas pun juga ada, bahkan ada yang sampe kasih finger lightstick dan yakult buat para Inner Circle :') salut banget
Setelah berkeliling, akhirnya gua memutuskan untuk beli kipas KRUNK -- YG Bear yang lagi pake topi yang tulisannya WINNER, ya walaupun logonya waktu yang masih di Who is Next, tapi gapapalah :')
mendekati jam 16.00, antrian menuju gate pemeriksaan tiket dan barang mulai dipadati para INSEO tapi gua sendiri tetep kalem nunggu di teras Tennis Outdoor, tempat yang adem haha. Gua sendiri berencana untuk mulai antri jam 17.00 setelah makan roti (uda ada nomor seatingnya juga haha)
Selama ngantri, gua ada kenalan juga dengan INSEO yang lain dan cerita kapan mulai suka WINNER dan siapa bias nya. Gua salut dan bangga dengan ketertiban para Inner Circle Indonesia, walaupun telat untuk masuk gate pemeriksaan, tapi kami tidak anarkis, teriak-teriak. Kami tetap setia menanti petujuk dari promotor. Bahkan saat gate pemeriksaan dibuka, semua antri dengan tertib dan tidak berlarian. Bahkan di section blue juga demikian loh :D
Sampe ada yang ngetweet bilang :
So the promoter said to us when we’re walking entering the venue “Luckily this one (indonesian incles) are mature” / “Untung kali ini udah pada dewasa ya” because we’re so calm and queueing quietly
So proud & pls no pushing
#SoProud haha. Iya sih ini juga yang gua rasain. Apa karena WINNERnya sendiri juga dewasa-dewasa dan pembawaannya kalem, makanya fans-fansnya juga kalem-kalem dan dewasa semua ya? Sepanjang pengamatan gua, venue bebas sampah karena peran semua pihak yang tertib buang sampah pada tempatnya, pas anggota Winner ngomong ga ada yang teriak-teriak, bahkan dengan kompaknya nyanyiin lagu MOVIE STAR pas mau encore (percaya ga percaya, gua dan kak Karina adalah pelopor yang ajak semua penonton nyanyi lagu Movie Star, di saat semua orang lagi teriak "encore! encore!" ga lama kita nyanyi, orang-orang di sekitar kami nyambung lagu kami dan satu stadium nyanyi bareng <3). Bangga deh jadi Inner Circle :3 *membanggakan diri* haha
Oh ya, salut banget yang di section duduk, ga ada yang berani berdiri karena takut yang di belakangnya ga keliatan. "Aduh, mau berdiri tapi takut yang belakang ga keliatan" yaampun, segitu pedulinya Inner Circle yang satu dengan yang lain *jadi makin bangga* <3
sampe akhirnya SeungYoon yang minta kita untuk berdiri "Second Floor! Please stand up!!!!"
baru semua berdiri dan ikut joget bareng WINNER. Tempat duduk di Tennis Indoor Senayan juga juara! Walaupun gua berdiri dan di depan gua berdiri, sekali pun orang yang di depan gua angkat lightsticknya dan loncat-loncat, gua masih bisa ngeliat panggung dan sekitar dengan sangat jelas. Karena kursi lipet dan legroom yang lega, gua bisa joget-joget dengan yahut haha
Gua langsung jatuh cinta dengan venue Tennis Indoor Senayan yang cocok banget buat nonton konser, "ga perlu tempat yang gede-gede, nonton konser di sini lagi juga gapapa, asik tempatnya" -anonim
promotornya kali ini gua acungin jempol buat atur konser WINNER kali ini sehingga berjalan dengan tertib dan lancar. Beda banget sama Mecima dulu yang handle konser BIGBANG MADE TOUR .... mungkin karena pertama kali dan belom ada pengalaman untuk flow masuk penontonnya berantakan BANGET. Di tiket konser mulai jam 18.30, tapi jam 18.30 gua masih antri untuk cek tiket di luar venue, sampe ada orang Crew YG yang marah-marah. Karena kengaretan itu gua ngerasa durasi konsernya jadi diperpendek. Baca >>> Review BIGBANG MADE TOUR 2015 . Applause for Mecima!!! *prok prok prok*
Sampe amaze juga, kita yang di section duduk, semua di kasih air mineral gelas. Yang section blue di kasih air mineral botol. Soundsystemnya juga bagus banget, jadi gua bisa denger suara WINNER yang orang bilang udah kayak makan CD, jernih banget nget ngettt. Muka mereka yaampun, sikapnya dan keramahan mereka itu ga boong. <3 Mino aja sampe bisa ambil hape orang buat rekamin diri dia sendiri :')
Sepanjang sesi interaktif, yang paling banyak ngomong itu Yoon dan mereka ga pake translator, semua berinteraksi pake bahasa Inggris, cuma ada satu orang yang dari awal diem aja, itu si Jinu koplaknya kebangetan. Pas Yoon ajak ngomong Jinu pake bahasa Inggris, dia ngangguk-ngangguk aja tapi singkirin mic dan nanya ke Yoon barusan dia ngomong apa. kwkwkwk aduh muka tablonya itu loh haha <3
Hoon koplaknya juga keluar, jadi pas mereka mau jalan ke panggung utama, ada lampu lantai yang goyang-goyang sendiri (padahal lampu yang lain diem) terus bilang : "what's happen (with this lamp)? Look at this lamp, Mino give some beat (terus Hoon & Mino kasih beat box). Jinu & Yoon ikut-ikutan nari sama dia" Aduuh mereka itu, gimana ga bikin makin sayang <3
Sama becandaan mereka tentang tali pinggang yang mereka goyang-goyangin dan kasih nama :') uda ga ngerti lagi dah kwkwkw.
Juga pas mereka mau closing, mereka ucapin salam perpisahan pake bahasa Inggris, kalo Yoon bisa ngomong, Jinu juga bisa ngomong tapi pake bahasa Inggris yang ke korea-korea an, Hoon yang posisinya ada di paling kiri panggung (deket sama monitor panggung) ketauan baca sih dari monitornya haha, nah si Mino nih yang posisinya di kanan panggung, dia ngomong pake bahasa inggris, terus dia kayak lupa gitu, dia lirik tapi monitornya kejauhan, akhirnya dia jalan pelan-pelan ke arah monitor sambil ngeliat kesana dan ngomong. satu venue langsung ketawa haha.
Pas bagian encore, walaupun mereka ga nyanyi lagu Movie Star lagi, tapi mereka ambil salah satu banner yang dari fandom dan ngebaca : "Winner neun uri ui Movie Star" dan dia langsung translate : "Winner is Our Movie Star" dia terharu dan bilang thankyou. Dia juga ngajak buat foto bareng dan minta kita untuk nyalain flash hape.
copyright : @winnercity
"I can hear from your voice that your are waiting for us, thankyou for waiting for us and keep supporting us!" YESS YOON YESS <3 gua uda nungguin lu orang buat dateng ke Jakarta dari sejak kalian debut <3
Gua juga rekam beberapa momen sekalian gua jadiin vlog, nanti kalo uda selesai gua edit video, nanti linknya gua akan kasih di sini :D
nebula blue ocean <3
Thankyou so much WINNER and INNER CIRCLE who made my 17 November 2018 be one of my best day in my life!
another life achievement accomplished!
I will always waiting for your new songs, new album and tour!
Good luck for your next concert and stay healthy! <3
Ovina Pattari P.
Indonesia Inner Circle <3
Since 2014
Let's get connected!
Instagram: @ovinapp
Youtube Channel: Ovina Pattari
Youtube Channel: Ovina Pattari
Twitter: @ovinapp
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Explore Jakarta by using Public Transport
Jakarta ...
the capital city of Indonesia offers different kind of vacation than other places in Indonesia. As a capital city, Jakarta is like metropolitan city with high buildings and also traffic jam.
For you who want to explore Jakarta Indonesia but don't want to deal with traffic jam, Jakarta offers Public transport such as Subway Train (Commuterline), Bus (Transjakarta), LRT & MRT (coming soon), Angkot/Mikrolet, Conventional Taxi, Online Taxi & Motorcycle (Ojek Online), Bajaj, Ojek Sepeda (Bicycle), Kopaja/Kopami and more!
The good news is Jakarta Public Transport is getting better day after day! Here's some tips to explore Jakarta by public transport :
1. Commuterline Indonesia (Commuter Train)
The basic fare is IDR 3.000 for the first 25km and additional IDR 1.000 for next 10 km (valid for mutliply). The fare is start from IDR 3.000 to IDR 7.000 for traveling by Comuterline Jakarta For ticket you can use :
- Single trip card (Tiket Harian Berjaminan) You must pay extra IDR 10.000 (as deposit & refundable) + your fare. You can take your deposit after arrived at your destination station. One card per passenger
- Multi Trip Card (Kartu Multi Trip)
You can purchase the Multi Trip Card with IDR 25.000 (IDR 20.000 (not refundable) for the card and IDR 5.000 for the balance). With this card you can tap in and tap out everywhere, no need to queue to take your deposit back. If your card balance were not enough, you can top up the card on vending machine with minimum IDR 10.000. The vending machine won't give you the change (please consider your top up amount) and make sure your money is in a good condition. One card per passenger
- Bank Electronic Money
Now, you can use Electronic Money from several bank such as Flazz (BCA), E-Money (Bank Mandiri), Tap Cash (BNI), Brizzi (BRI). Minimum balance is IDR 5.000 for tap in on the gate. The system just like Multi Trip Card. One card one passenger. You can buy or top up those card in their bank office or minimart, you can also us them to buy things in minimart, supermart or other merchant who provide Flazz, E-money, Tap Cash, Brizzi Card. This Card can also be used to take a ride on Transjakarta Bus.
2. Transjakarta (Bus Rapid Transit)
Transjakarta (also known as "Busway") the only public transport in Jakarta that have flat fare. You can sight seeing all Jakarta with only IDR 3.500. No maximum time, no maximum distance unless you tap out the card.
Transjakarta is now better as their new tagline #KiniLebihBaik (#NowBetter). Sterile Track (for several track), new buses, good air conditioner, better system, more buses, more route and you can see the arriving time of the bus on monitor <3
the capital city of Indonesia offers different kind of vacation than other places in Indonesia. As a capital city, Jakarta is like metropolitan city with high buildings and also traffic jam.
For you who want to explore Jakarta Indonesia but don't want to deal with traffic jam, Jakarta offers Public transport such as Subway Train (Commuterline), Bus (Transjakarta), LRT & MRT (coming soon), Angkot/Mikrolet, Conventional Taxi, Online Taxi & Motorcycle (Ojek Online), Bajaj, Ojek Sepeda (Bicycle), Kopaja/Kopami and more!
The good news is Jakarta Public Transport is getting better day after day! Here's some tips to explore Jakarta by public transport :
1. Commuterline Indonesia (Commuter Train)
Commuterline Map
This is one of my favorite public transportation in Jakarta! You can go to place to place with no traffic jam, exact schedule and traveling time, faster and cheap! Haha The basic fare is IDR 3.000 for the first 25km and additional IDR 1.000 for next 10 km (valid for mutliply). The fare is start from IDR 3.000 to IDR 7.000 for traveling by Comuterline Jakarta For ticket you can use :
- Single trip card (Tiket Harian Berjaminan) You must pay extra IDR 10.000 (as deposit & refundable) + your fare. You can take your deposit after arrived at your destination station. One card per passenger
- Multi Trip Card (Kartu Multi Trip)
You can purchase the Multi Trip Card with IDR 25.000 (IDR 20.000 (not refundable) for the card and IDR 5.000 for the balance). With this card you can tap in and tap out everywhere, no need to queue to take your deposit back. If your card balance were not enough, you can top up the card on vending machine with minimum IDR 10.000. The vending machine won't give you the change (please consider your top up amount) and make sure your money is in a good condition. One card per passenger
- Bank Electronic Money
Now, you can use Electronic Money from several bank such as Flazz (BCA), E-Money (Bank Mandiri), Tap Cash (BNI), Brizzi (BRI). Minimum balance is IDR 5.000 for tap in on the gate. The system just like Multi Trip Card. One card one passenger. You can buy or top up those card in their bank office or minimart, you can also us them to buy things in minimart, supermart or other merchant who provide Flazz, E-money, Tap Cash, Brizzi Card. This Card can also be used to take a ride on Transjakarta Bus.
2. Transjakarta (Bus Rapid Transit)
Transjakarta is now better as their new tagline #KiniLebihBaik (#NowBetter). Sterile Track (for several track), new buses, good air conditioner, better system, more buses, more route and you can see the arriving time of the bus on monitor <3
For riding Transjakarta you must use Bank Electronic Card (can be used for multiple passenger) or you can buy E-Money (Bank Electronic Card) in the counter for IDR 40.000 (IDR 20.000 for the card (non-refundable) + IDR 20.000 (card balance)). You can top up in Mandiri ATM, minimart (extra charge IDR 1.000) or in Transjakarta Counter (extra charge IDR 1.500).
Several Feeder Bus accept payment in cash or with Flazz BCA only. You must pay on the Bus Officer (Bus Conductor).
4. Bajaj / Bajay
6. Online Ojek/Taxi (Online Motorcycle Taxi)
Several Feeder Bus accept payment in cash or with Flazz BCA only. You must pay on the Bus Officer (Bus Conductor).
Transjakarta Feeder (small bus)
Transjakarta Minitrans (small bus)
For you who want to experience the taste of Jakarta, you can try this transportation. Angkot has it's own route, differentiated by number, so, don't get it wrong.
Angkot doesn't have official stop, that's mean you can stop wherever you want to stop by say "kiri bang!" or "kiri ya bang". For get in to Angkot you just need to stand on the side of the road then lift your hand or you can find the Angkots who wait for the seat being seated.
For the fare ... this is a mystery. The basic fare is IDR 4.000 (for short distance), for longer distance .... only God and the driver know haha :'). Oh, you can also ask the other passenger how much if you want to stop at .... I'm sure they will answer your question (but ask it quietly). Other tips is pay in cash and exact amount to the driver.
4. Bajaj / Bajay
Another authentic public transport in Jakarta, Bajaj, three-wheels, an auto rickshaw motorized development of the traditional pulled rickshaw or cycle. The maximum passengers is 3 persons (or more as long as you fit).
For the fare, you must ask the driver first and then you bargain. By riding Bajaj, you can experience the driver driving skill in Jakarta. So much fun! :D
5. Ojek Sepeda
5. Ojek Sepeda
You can find Ojek Sepeda in Kota Tua, Kampung Bandan (near Ancol) and nearby. The driver average is an old man who ride old-style bicycle. For the fare ... the driver actually set a fare by himself, but you can add some tip for him.
It's good to enjoy Northern Jakarta with the man who take you by bicycle.
6. Online Ojek/Taxi (Online Motorcycle Taxi)
Go-Jek and Grab are the company who provide a Online Motorcycle Taxi. Just install their app, make an order (set your current place and your destination), the fixed price will show up and wait the driver come to pick you up. You can add tip to them.
I love using the Online Ojek because you can go to your destination faster, fixed fare and less trapped in traffic jam. You can also ask them to deliver the food & beverages that you want to your place, send your package, shop the things that you want when you too lazy to busy to buy it by yourself.
For Online Taxi, the system is same, but you will picked up by car. The fare exclude Toll fee and driver tip. If you are lucky, you could get Conventional Taxi with fixed fare when you order by Gojek/Grab application.
7. Conventional Taxi
Conventional Taxi or Cab is a type of vehicle for hire with a driver, used by a single passenger or small group of passengers, often for a non-shared ride. If you wanted to find more comfy transportation you can try Taxi.
Flag fall fare is IDR 6.500, with additional IDR 3.500 per kilometer (exclude toll fee and driver tip).
You can stop the taxi directly on the road, at taxi lounge (usually at the mall) or you can request online by their application/third party application or by phone.
They are some tips from me, hope it will be useful for you.
Happy Traveling!
Enjoy Jakarta!
- Ovina Pattari P-
Let's get connected!
Instagram: @ovinapp
Youtube Channel: Ovina Pattari
Youtube Channel: Ovina Pattari
Twitter: @ovinapp
Friday, August 10, 2018
Visit Mount Bromo Tips #WonderfulIndonesia
Are you planning to visit Mount Bromo? I will share my experience when I visited Mount Bromo on July 2018.
Actually I joined a event at Tumpang, Malang for 5 days and I've decided to extend my trip in Malang all by my self, I mean solo traveling. It was my first solo traveling in Indonesia.
In short story, I planned to visit Mount Bromo (Indonesian : Gunung Bromo) is one of an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif in East Java Indonesia. Mount Bromo sits in the middle of a plain called the "Sea of Sand" (Javanese: Segara Wedi or Indonesian: Lautan Pasir), a protected nature reserve since 1919.
At 2,329 meters (7,641 ft) it is not the highest peak of the massif, but is the most well known. The massif area is one of the most visited tourist attraction in East Java, Indonesia. The volcano belongs to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.
How to Get There
You can have Bromo trip from Surabaya or Malang, for me, I departed from Malang City. Actually, you can visit Bromo by all your self by your own car or motorcycle, but for safety reason, I suggest you to take the local tour. Why?
If you are planning to watch sunrise at Bromo, you need to depart at midnight and then you still need to sit in the 'normal car' for about 2 hours in the darkness and super extreme track. You can experience the winding road with sharp turn (about 90 degree) and sudden incline (over than 45 degree) for multiple times. The 'good news' is either your right side or left side is a cliff.
I thought that I can a quick nap for the 2 hours trip, but I was wrong. I couldn't sleep and got motion sickness every time I close my eyes.
After 2 hours trip, the 'normal car' driver dropped me in a meeting point so I could ride a 4WD car aka Jeep car. The driver told me that the track will be more extreme :') So I prepared my self for next 1 hour trip.
That's why I suggest you to take local tour. Because of the extreme track and ride a 4WD car is a must! With the trip you will get picked up at your hotel/hostel/place; professional driver that will guide you well because they know about the road conditions; you don't need to drive your own car or rent 4WD car (+ driver); all you need just sit tight and enjoy the trip.
I took the Open Trip Tour for IDR 350.000 / person include snack, mask, drink, lunch, car rent (for normal car and Jeep car), all site entrance fee (exclude horse ride), driver fee (exclude driver tip), beanie hat, gloves. In Open Trip Tour you will arranged to have a trip with other persons (up to 5 people). It's good for you who have smaller group.
or if you are planning to have a trip with large amount of people, you can get private tour and get lower price :D
What You Should Prepare
1. Make sure you are in good health
I recommend to take vitamin and got good sleep a day before because you will stay awake from midnight to mid day, feel different temperature (from cold to hot temperature) and experience the 'fun' road trip.
2. Cash (small cash)
You will need cash for toilet! I spent about IDR 15.000 for 3 times toilet. Every time you use toilet in Bromo, you will be charged IDR 5.000 (that was I hate! IDR 5.000 for toilet is expensive -_-). Oh, there are some street vendor who sell souvenirs and food (like instant noodle, tea, coffee, milk, rice with side dish), also you can ride a horse with extra cash, rent a mat, jacket.
3. Dress smartly
The temperature is about 7°C in early morning while in midday the temperature raise to 16°C (It will be colder and hotter when you visit Bromo on August), so you must wear right clothes when you are visiting Bromo. Windbreaker jacket / down jacket is recommended in early morning and light clothes in midday. If you are planning to wear long john, please remember there aren't many toilet and all the place in Bromo is open field. Beanie, socks, gloves is a must due the strong-cold wind in early morning when you watch sunrise in top hill.
4. Camera & Powerbank
It's a must! Who doesn't want to capture the moment in superb beautiful Bromo (especially after extreme trip to reach Bromo haha). Don't forget to bring your power
bank to make sure your phone have enough batteries.
5. Personal medicine
Bring your own personal medicine or first aid.
Bonus : Photos from me
Keep clean! Don't littering! Let's keep our Mount Bromo clean and gorgeous!
Bonus : Photos from me
my trip mates <3
(don't forget to like, comment, share & subscribe my channel :D)
So that's all from me, Happy Traveling!
- Ovina Pattari P-
Let's get connected!
Instagram: @ovinapp
Youtube Channel: Ovina Pattari
Youtube Channel: Ovina Pattari
Twitter: @ovinapp
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Saya Hampir Kena Rampok : Modus Terbaru
photo by Kristanto U (Foursquare)
Berawal dari saya yang melamun kemarin, tiba-tiba saya teringat kejadian sekitar satu atau dua minggu yang lalu.
Pada saat itu, saya yang turun di Stasiun Grogol bermaksud untuk naik Transjakarta menuju Pluit untuk kursus Bahasa Jerman. Halte Transjakarta yang paling dekat dari Stasiun Grogol adalah Halte Latumenten Stasiun Grogol.
Semuanya berjalan biasa saja. Saya tap in lalu saya lihat ada seorang Ibu (saya lupa dia sedang gendong anak/bawa barang penampilannya (maaf) seperti kaum papa) duduk di sebelah kanan kursi dan seorang Bapak yang duduk di sebelah kiri kursi, menyisakan bagian tengah yang kosong.
Karena bawaan saya saat itu lumayan banyak, saya pun permisi untuk duduk di antara mereka. Sekitar dua sampai tiga orang juga tap in lalu menunggu bus Transjakarta.
Saya duduk sambil memainkan handphone untuk mengecek lewat aplikasi Traff* agar saya dapat mengetahui posisi bus terdekat menuju Pluit.
Bus tujuan Pluit pun tiba, orang-orang bergegas menuju pintu masuk bus. Saat saya berdiri, tiba-tiba ibu di sebelah kanan saya tadi berkata : "Neng, tolong bantu ibu tap, ibu mau keluar tapi ga punya kartu"
Saya refleks berkata "Ibu minta tolong petugas saja untuk bantu bukain, boleh kok" saya sempat mau menolong Ibu itu, tapi saya urungkan karena saya tahu petugas pasti akan membantu, lalu saya bergegas naik bus feeder (Bus Transjakarta kecil) menuju Pluit.
Entah mengapa saya tidak punya niat sama sekali untuk membantu ibu itu, walaupun saya sempat dilema. Saya bisa saja menunggu bus berikutnya untuk menolong, tapi hati saya berkata untuk cepat naik bus feeder dan tidak membantu ibu itu.
Pada saat itu, saya yang turun di Stasiun Grogol bermaksud untuk naik Transjakarta menuju Pluit untuk kursus Bahasa Jerman. Halte Transjakarta yang paling dekat dari Stasiun Grogol adalah Halte Latumenten Stasiun Grogol.
Semuanya berjalan biasa saja. Saya tap in lalu saya lihat ada seorang Ibu (saya lupa dia sedang gendong anak/bawa barang penampilannya (maaf) seperti kaum papa) duduk di sebelah kanan kursi dan seorang Bapak yang duduk di sebelah kiri kursi, menyisakan bagian tengah yang kosong.
Karena bawaan saya saat itu lumayan banyak, saya pun permisi untuk duduk di antara mereka. Sekitar dua sampai tiga orang juga tap in lalu menunggu bus Transjakarta.
Saya duduk sambil memainkan handphone untuk mengecek lewat aplikasi Traff* agar saya dapat mengetahui posisi bus terdekat menuju Pluit.
Bus tujuan Pluit pun tiba, orang-orang bergegas menuju pintu masuk bus. Saat saya berdiri, tiba-tiba ibu di sebelah kanan saya tadi berkata : "Neng, tolong bantu ibu tap, ibu mau keluar tapi ga punya kartu"
Saya refleks berkata "Ibu minta tolong petugas saja untuk bantu bukain, boleh kok" saya sempat mau menolong Ibu itu, tapi saya urungkan karena saya tahu petugas pasti akan membantu, lalu saya bergegas naik bus feeder (Bus Transjakarta kecil) menuju Pluit.
Entah mengapa saya tidak punya niat sama sekali untuk membantu ibu itu, walaupun saya sempat dilema. Saya bisa saja menunggu bus berikutnya untuk menolong, tapi hati saya berkata untuk cepat naik bus feeder dan tidak membantu ibu itu.
Ketika saya mengingat kejadian itu kemarin, saya langsung bersyukur kepada Tuhan.
Ketika saya mengingat kejadian itu kemarin, saya langsung bersyukur kepada Tuhan.
Karena saya dijauhkan dari segala mara bahaya. Apa jadinya jika saya membantu ibu itu tap out?
Mungkin saja saya ditodong dan dirampok oleh Ibu dan Bapak itu, karena mereka sama-sama menunggu di halte, tapi ketika bus tiba, mereka tidak naik dan minta bantuan saya untuk tap out.
Mungkin saja saya ditodong dan dirampok oleh Ibu dan Bapak itu, karena mereka sama-sama menunggu di halte, tapi ketika bus tiba, mereka tidak naik dan minta bantuan saya untuk tap out.
Lagi pula setelah dipikir-pikir, ibu itu terlalu mencurigakan.
- Kenapa dia menunggu di halte bus tapi tidak naik bus?
- Kenapa dia bisa masuk halte tapi tidak memiliki kartu?
- Jika ia ingin keluar halte, kenapa dia tidak meminta tolong saat saya duduk di sampingnya?
- Apakah dia menunggu halte dalam sepi untuk melancarkan aksinya terhadap saya?
Saya bukan bermaksud untuk menaruh curiga pada ibu itu, namun tidak ada salahnya untuk lebih waspada terhadap hal-hal di sekitar terutama pada saat ini sedang marak kasus-kasus perampokan, pencurian, penipuan, hipnotis dan lain-lain. Lebih baik mencegah dari pada mengobati. Ikuti kata hati karena kata hati adalah suara dari Tuhan dan selalu berdoa memohon perlindungan-Nya atas hidup kita.
Thankyou God for your blessing for me.
Always Stay Alert and Stay Safe!
-Ovina Pattari P.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
TANGKUBAN PERAHU the Zone of Tukang Palak?
I will give the honest review from my bottom of my heart, it was just what i felt.
So, I was really excited to visit Bandung that day, it was my short escape to refresh my mind and my heart to get some relaxed. My main destination in Bandung was to visit Tangkuban Perahu, just because I never visit there in my entire life! How come the one who often visit Bandung but never go to there! Haha Tangkuban Perahu has is own legend. You can read on .......
Everytime I visited Bandung with my family, my daddy always said that the car was not too good to visit Tangkuban Perahu, the car clutch was not good to climb the uphill road.
So, we took Subang exit from the toll road, just follow the map.
About next 40 minutes we arrived at Tangkuban Perahu.
At the enterance gate, the officer asked us "is there any foreigner?" We answered no one. We paid IDR 30.000/person and IDR 35.000 for the car entrance fee. The price is for weekend and for Indonesians. Foreigner must pay IDR 300.000 for weekend. (It just one zero differences huh :'). We got the map of the site.
There are 4 main craters to visit :
1. Kawah Ratu (Ratu Crater), the closest craters from the main gate and there's a parking lot near the site.
2. Kawah Upas (Upas Crater), about 1,5 km (about 45 minutes walk) from Kawah Ratu.
3. Kawah Baru (New Crater), located at the upper side of Kawah Upas. Visitors cannot get too close to Kawah Baru because It has a poisonous gas that can give bad effect for human health.
4. Kawah Domas, located about 1,2 km from Kawah Ratu (about 30-40 minutes by walk) or you just need to park your car at the Kawah Domas enterance gate and walk about 15 minutes. Kawah Domas has natural hot springs (contain sulfur) with some different temperature. The hot springs is good for your skin and it can help to cure any skin disease.
You can boil eggs in the hot spring!
You can boil eggs in the hot spring!
We decided to visit Kawah Ratu first, because it is parking-lot's-friend aka near from parking lot haha. :p
When we got out from the car, a man came over us to offer big boxes full of rapsberries and strawberies that He sell. He offer IDR 25.000/box at the first, we said we dont want then we bargain with IDR 20.000 for two boxes, he said no. We started to leave him, suddenly he give IDR 25.000 for two boxes then add the magic word "please help me, for 'penglaris'".
'Penglaris' is the word that Indonesian seller often say to buyer to wish good luck at the begining with your purchase. With your purchase, the fortune will come to them and all of the products that they sell will be sold out or buyer will come to buy their products.
Well, I bought it, because I wanted to eat rapsberries! Haha :p so we dealed with IDR 25.000 for two boxes. Then He told us that he dont have the exchange, only have IDR 20.000, we said well it's okay, just give us that IDR 20.000. Just like that, we bought two boxes of rapsberry for IDR 30.000. :D >>>> the raspberries tragedy will be told at the end of this post :')
We walk about 20 metres, and tada! This is the view of Kawah Ratu, Tangkuban Perahu :D
Honestly, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the view was "oh, only like this?"
Maybe because I am a sea lover not mountain lover? :') haha I dont know.
But honestly (again) the view of Kawah Ratu is SUPERB!
how come there's carter like that! So unique and so beautiful.
We took a few shots for that view.
When we turned around, other seller (the rapsberry man's friend) such as a keyring-made-from-Tangkuban-Perahu-stone and other seller came over. For me, those were only ordinary key ring that you can find it at Pasar Pagi Asemka Jakarta.
What I hate when entered the enterance gate is WE NEED TO PAY MORE TO VISIT KAWAH DOMAS!
It's also a little bit too expensive for Local visitor! Indonesian tourist must pay IDR 100.000/person and IDR 200.000/person for foreigner. Wah, at that time I thought that Tangkuban Perahu is full of 'Tukang Palak'. 'Tukang Palak' means persons who extorts your money directly or indirrectly. What a shame :(
For me, as an Indonesian, it's too tricky for tourist :( why we must pay more to visit other venue that it is also in one area of Tangkuban Perahu? WHY IS MORE EXPENSIVE! What will foreigners say to Indonesia, especially for Tangkuban Perahu? #disappointed :(
Rather I will be regret to not visit Kawah Domas while I was visiting Tangkuban Perahu (I dont think to come to Visit Tangkuban Perahu again) so we agree to pay the price.
At that price we will get a tour guide to guide us to the hot spring. We will cross the forest, so it's kinda tricky for the one who never go through the forest, you can get lost!
The bad was, we need to give the guide some tip :') the entrance fee is not include the guide fee and the egg :'(
After walked about 15 minutes with slipper, we finally arrived at Kawah Domas.
The view was ....... So so :')
The hot springs not big as I thought before and just so so.
The eggs seller was close, maybe because that day was the first day of fasting for Moslem.
Our plan to boil the egg in the boiled hot spring water must be canceled :((((((
Our plan to boil the egg in the boiled hot spring water must be canceled :((((((
After took some photos, we soaked our feet and enjoy the heat of the sulfur liquid. In short time, a woman came to us to offer sulfur mud massage that she claim good for my skin. I, the one who got sick from any 'Tukang Palak' just decline the offer directly with a good manner, we said "sorry, we dont want"
She still promoting the benefits of sulfur mud massage and said the magic word "please help me" and 'penglaris' things, I just ignored her. Didn't mean to be so cruel, I just didn't want to deal with 'Tukang Palak' who will extorts my money.
Maybe She was hopeless with us, She then recklessly put the sulfur mud on my knee while say the magic word "please help me" and other 'penglaris' things again. When she put the sulfur mud, I prayed to God to protect me from any spell to make me agree to get her massage service. Thanks to God, I didn't influenced by her and then she left us. :')
After get enough from soaking feet in the hot spring, we went back to the entrance gate. On the way to the entrance gate, the guide answered all my questions, explained how to different any kind of Pakis plant, how to survive if you lost in forest and more.
He also recommend us to visit 10000 Buddha Statues Temple which located not too far from Tangkuban Perahu after I asked what is Bandung's anti-mainstream place which worth to be visited.
He also recommend us to visit 10000 Buddha Statues Temple which located not too far from Tangkuban Perahu after I asked what is Bandung's anti-mainstream place which worth to be visited.
At the end of the trip with guide, we gave him tip sincerely :D
>>>next post : Journey to 10000 Buddha Statues Temple.
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